Network of education and training professionals sharing the following activities:
Survey of up-to-date EU sources on quality of VET trainers’ competences and qualifications and transnational analysis of trainers’ competences needs
Profiling of the European Training Antenna (EUTA), that is a teacher or a trainer facilitating the adoption of European strategies, tools and information to students, colleagues and policy makers, and definition of the EUTA’s Certificate, a reference framework for the validation of the competences’ standard to be promoted at transnational level
Development and testing of a Multilanguage training pathways for EUTA, organized in 2 main areas: new competences (intercultural dialogue, participation, citizenship, teaching creativity, etc.) and European awareness (institutions, policies, decisional processes, working with European funds, etc.)
Value: 482.000 €
Duration: 2007 – 2010
European Commission – DG Education and Culture
Lifelong Learning Programme – Leonardo Da Vinci Transfer of Innovation